Sang at the book signing table at the 46th annual Orange Coast Christian Outreach mayors’ prayer breakfast at Irvine Hyatt Hotel. All the mayors of Orange County were present and Jim Daley, President and Chief Executive Officer Focus on the Family, spoke to 600 guests who attended.
46th Annual Orange Coast Mayors Prayer Breakfast, Tuesday March 16, 2010
Rare Opportunity to read a first hand account of a young student/musician’s journey…..Helie Lee, best selling author of “Still Life with Rice”
So many courageous stories of early Korean immigrants to America have been lost because many of our parents could not tell their own stories in English to their children. Sang Bukaty’s memoir, Grace Notes, is a rare opportunity to read a first hand account of a young student/ musician’s journey to America and the new life she had built for herself and her three daughters
Grace Notes was a real page-turner. Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty definitely has a book ministry. by Bettye Roland (1/10)
Grace Notes was a real page-turner. I empathized with the author’s experiences as a small child during war and found them humbling. I’ve always known that both my temperament and world view have been shaped by my own experiences between the ages of four and six when my father was serving in WWII. Like Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty, I was very definitely a “daddy’s girl” and his absence converted my happy-go-lucky and secure demeanor into one rather solemn and definitely fearful. I’m sure my mother had no idea that the news reels shown when the two of us went to an occasional movie had any effect on me, but seeing bombs bursting around fox holes and German soldiers advancing en masse with their bayonette-affixed rifles scared, to be quite literal, the pee out of me. I had horrible nightmares that my own father was one of those men being blown to bits and that those German soldiers were in my own house and about to stab me as I curled in a fetal position under the dirty clothes in the hamper in our utility closet. I think I must have wet the bed nightly until he returned safe and sound after fighting in the Battle of the Bulge and being awarded two purple hearts. Traumatic? Yes, but reading your story made my own seem like a walk in the park.
I knew next to nothing about Korea’s culture and history and was grateful to be enlightened. Even more satisfying, however, was learning more about the person who wrote this amazing story. I marvel at her accomplishments, admire the way she loves her family, but am most impressed and praise God for her testimony. Knowing what the true pearl of great price is, a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, makes us sisters in the most blessed of all families. The literary full circle of the pearl from the beginning of the book to the end was most definitely appreciated.
I also related to a Christian who occasionally regurgitates a not-so-nice four-letter word. We’re in process–not perfect! Might even do you in good stead on those campuses, and I think it’s great to be there. We Christians share our faith and lead others to the pearl in diverse ways based on the gifts of the Spirit with which we’ve been endowed. Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty definitely has a book ministry.
Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty is a great story teller of her age contemporaries, first generation Korean-American immigrants…..-Dr. Suzie Oh, Principal, Los Angeles Unified School District (2/10)
Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty tells a poignant and heartwarming story of a first generation Korean-American’s journey through her life. It beautifully connects with English-speaking Americans of all heritages.
“Thank you for sharing your journey so vividly with all of us. ‘Grace Notes’ should be required reading for all students at all levels.”
Helie Lee’s Reading Salon
Indian Ridge Country Club in Palm Desert invites Sang to make a Power Point presentation
Indian Ridge Country Club in Palm Desert, CA invited Sang to make an hour-long Power Point presentation to approximately 50 club members on January 21, 2010. After her presentation and book signing, Sang was honored to perform on the cello.
Bighorn Country Club in Palm Desert, CA. invites Sang
On January 20th 2010, Sang visited Bighorn CC’s book club and met with about 30 members in Palm Desert, California. After a stimulating discussion about Grace Notes, they also enjoyed Sang’s short performance of “the Swan” and “Amazing Grace” on the cello.
Sue Daley’s Book Club, comprised of Former and Current Hoag Hospital Employees, invites Sang
Sang’s dear friend, Sue Daley and her book club, which is comprised of former and current Hoag Hospital employees, invited Sang to discuss Grace Notes at their monthly meeting on January 18th at Sue’s lovely newly remodeled home in Mesa Verde. Everyone gave 8’s and 9’s in their customary grading scale of 1-10. Comments were made about the Korean culture, school system and Sang’s family. Agnes, who was not able to attend sent her comments, in which she expressed Sang’s father being her favorite person in the book for loving, accepting and encouraging Sang.
Las Alegres, a social group in Costa Mesa, invites Sang
On January 14th, 2010, about 30 members of Las Alegres, a ladies social group, enjoyed Sang’s Power Point presentation of Grace Notes in an intimate setting at Sharon Ohland’s lovely home in Costa Mesa, California.
레인보우 페스티벌 초청 강연 영문 소설 ‘그레이스 노트’ 이상은 작가 입력일자: 2009-11-02 (월)
영문 자전소설 ‘그레이스 노트’(Grace Notes)를 펴낸 이상은(Sang-Eun Lee Bukaty)씨가 3일 UC어바인 크로스 컬처럴 센터에서 열리는 레인보우 페스티벌에서 파워포인트 강연을 갖는다.
레인보우 페스티벌은 다인종 문화를 경험하는 연례축제로, 올해는 ‘세계의 여성지도자’란 주제로 여성 연사들을 초청했으며 이씨는 한국의 문화와 역사, 이민 등에 관해 이야기할 예정이다. 강연 후에는 총영사관이 제공하는 한국음식 시식행사와 이상은씨의 북사인회가 이어진다. 참가비는 무료.
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